Working visit of the Head of the Bali Provincial BPS in their training SUSENAS MKP - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Denpasar Municipality

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Working visit of the Head of the Bali Provincial BPS in their training SUSENAS MKP

Working visit of the Head of the Bali Provincial BPS in their training SUSENAS MKP

August 25, 2016 | BPS Activities

Day Thursday, August 25, 2016, BPS Denpasar got a working visit of the Head of the Bali Provincial BPS (Adi Nugroho), he also had the opportunity to be present in their training SUSENAS MKP held in the conference room BPS Denpasar City for 3 days effective. He advised bagemana field personnel must master the concepts and definitions used in this MKP SUSENAS so as the data unearthed no bias / deviate from the purpose of the survey and how to make an interview with liquid respondents do not like us mengitrogasi them so that the atmosphere is fun is not boring.
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