Development of Denpasar City Consumer Price Index January 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Denpasar Municipality

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January 2025, Denpasar recorded to experience inflation as high as 2.49 percent (year on year) and deflation as deep as -0.27 percent (month to month), for more info click here.

Development of Denpasar City Consumer Price Index January 2023

Release Date : February 1, 2023
File Size : 1.63 MB


In January 2023 Denpasar City recorded inflation as high as 0.62 percent as indicated by an increase in the Consumer Price Index (2018=100 base year) from 113.17 in December 2022 to 113.87 in January 2023. Meanwhile, the calendar year inflation rate ( year to date/ytd) is the same as the January 2023 inflation rate (month to month/m to m), which was recorded as high as 0.62 percent each. Year-on-year inflation (January 2023 against January 2022 or year on year / yoy) was recorded as high as 5.95 percent.

Of the eleven expenditure groups, seven expenditure groups experienced inflation (m to m), namely group I (food, beverages and tobacco) of 1.77 percent; group IV (equipment, equipment, and routine household maintenance) of 1.27 percent; group VIII (recreation, sports and culture) by 0.77 percent; group XI (personal care and other services) by 0.75 percent; group III (housing, water, electricity, and household fuel) by 0.28 percent; group X (providing food and drinks/restaurants) by 0.14 percent; and group V (health) by 0.01 percent. Meanwhile, three expenditure groups recorded deflation, namely group VI (transportation) by -0.23 percent; group II (clothing and footwear) by -0.17 percent; and group VII (information, communication and financial services) by -0.01 percent. One other expenditure group, namely group IX (education) did not experience a change in index or was stagnant.

Of the 90 cities observed by the National Inflation, it was recorded that eighty cities experienced inflation and the rest experienced deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in Gunungsitoli (North Sumatra) as high as 1.87 percent, while the deepest deflation was recorded in Timika City (Papua) as deep as 0.60 percent. If sorted from the highest inflation rate, Denpasar City with inflation as high as 0.62 percent ranks 28th out of 80 cities experiencing inflation.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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